Saturday, August 4


He's a little dirty but he is still cute! He takes after Eric!
I am starting to get discouraged with real estate. This last sell that I had which is my first listing EVER, and the buyers were not happy with the closing and all the problems that we had. And then they were charged extra fees they didn't know about. They said it was my fault that they were charged these fees and so they wanted me to pay them. But they didn't call me they called my broker. To go over my head like that is wrong, sneaky, and makes me mad. Then I called them and told them my side and then they still wanted me to pay half. I told them I would not. I had done nothing to cause those fees. They still said they think I was wrong and they were going to write a letter to the board about all of this. I am just discouraged that they didn't like my services, and they are taking actions to ruin my reputation, what little I have of one. But I will get over this, I will continue, and it doesn't really matter what they say about me, because I will be leaving in a few months anyway.
We are soo leaning towards Texas right now. It was sooo nice being near family. We found some nice areas and houses up near the richardson area.

1 comment:

the-richardson-family said...

Hey, Jen. Sorry it has been so long. If you are having strong feelings about moving to Texas, listen. Heavenly Father is trying to tell you something. I've missed you guys so much! The next time you are in Utah, let me know. Dan and I bought a house, and you can stay with us!!