Wednesday, July 1

The Battle has Begun!

I put lizzie to bed in her crib for thew first time! and boy is she MAD! She is still screaming. 30 minutes later! She is old enough and she is not really breast feeding to eat she is just doing it to go to sleep. Well I am not going to breast feed her for the rest of my life so she can go to sleep every night, so in the crib she goes. I don't think it is going to be very easy. She is sooo spoiled! A lot of it is not my doing! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

I hope it all works out okay!
Other news, Eric found a super deal on a canoe and we used my first michaels check and the extra from his last school check to purchase it! We own a canoe! It is nice, plastic and a three seater! COOL!!! WE can't wait to try it out this weekend at our family get together in tyler.

Oh I also got a phone interview with aafes. I think it went well. They said I might hear back from them by tomorrow, friday at the latest. I hope I got it!

1 comment:

The Sanford Family said...

We LOVE to canoe. It's Ethan's newest most favorite hobby. We do it when we go camping in Michigan. Good luck on the job hunt.