Monday, April 30

Car..... Adventures

Well guys I have had the adventure of the week here in my little town of Portsmouth!! Our little economic car has had a lot of problems for a while, but in order to fix all those problems it would cost us more then the car is worth. So we have been trying to fix the cheap things and just run it into the ground. Well, I was going to go do some inspections and I started to hear this clicking sound. BAD right! I pull over, luckily I was still in cell range. I call Eric and he has me check the oil level. It is not even reading on the little stick thing. That is BAD! So Eric has me take the car he drove and finish the inspections and he puts the oil he brought in the little car and drives that home! I go and finish my inspections just as the light fails I am done and start driving home. Caleb is asleep in the back seat, when I get on the highway my car starts to vibrate, shake, and rattle a lot. Now the car Eric brought he brought because he could not find the keys to the van. And this car has a bad oxygen sensor. So I wasn't too surprised about the unexpected butt and back massage, but I was nervous because of the run in with the little car! But I made it home!!!
Before this little adventure we had a great dinner! I made some wontons, and bought some sushi that Kroger has started selling in our area. And we made tofu kabobs, with onion, green pepper, tomoatoe, and pineapple, with the tofu wrapped in bacon and one peice of pineapple on each kabob wrapped in bacon. It was soooo good. And then we had this new set of placemats that look chinese and they came with chop sticks so we used those. It was so much fun. And then for dessert I saw a recipe in a magazine for these sute strawberry mice. You cut one little peice of the strawberry to level it and make it sit flat. and then you use the hole in the larger end or make your own for a peice of twizzlers pull apart strings for the tail, and then you use chocolate chips for the noses and chocolate dots for the eyes and mouth but I didn't have any chocolate melted like that so I just used to chips for the eyes and didn't bother with the rest. It looked soooo cute!! And Caleb just had a BLAST eating the mice! Best batch of starwberries I have ever had! So it was a good day and it was a bad day. And Caleb will NOT go to sleep. He is still up there playing around! I can hear him right now jumping up and down on the floor.

Saturday, April 28

What you can find on the Internet!

Hey guys, I have been looking for info on John on the internet and I found some really interesting things! Like the FCC giving Melanie her call sign, Dad has a few mentionings about work, and I found Dave Marshalls blog! The excerpt I read said from left to right carolyn Palsky, Micheal palsky... I was like, what is this? So I clicked on it and it was the wedding pictures of Dave's wedding. That was a cool find! and sadly to say the only things I found on John are his mission web site, I tried the email with that site but I think it wasn't working, and A post Aubrey made to a sugar glider company.

Tuesday, April 24


Well my Closing yesterday went off almost without a hitch. I got a call from Sharon the morning of and she told me the water bill was not on the HUD, which is a list of all the things each side pays. okay.... maybe they forgot to put it on there I said, no big deal, they can fix that easy and still close. I made a few phone calls and nothing, nobody knew anything. And so they couldn't add it to the HUD. I was frantic. Because my buyer could not transfer the water into his name until it is paid! You can't exactly live without water!!!!
So I decided to stick it out. I had to take Caleb to a members house to watch him because Jeanne and George qare out of town, and Eric was at school. So I got there and I met early with my buyers and talked about some things. And then the closer got there, I had to make a few copies of paper, and then I told her about the water bill, she made one phone call and got an honest straight forward answer!! If only I had that kind of power! Anyway, We ended up having to bill the company and then we will reimburse our buyers when the money comes in. So we finished signing and then we all left. I will not get my commission for a few days though. That's Standard.
And then today I managed to go into the office for a little while before I had to pick Caleb up for a play date. On the way to pick up Caleb I stopped at a persons house that Eric had talked to while doing inspections and she said to call her in about a month and she might be ready to list her house! Exciting! My first listing!!! Well... Almost!
Caleb had a blast at the Play date. They read some books, played with toys, walked on a two by four probably trying to see if any of the kids would qualify for a disability class the city has. They danced and sang songs, and then they made a picture of some flowers, and then they got to paint some egg crates. And they got a snack. And they gave sippy cups to every kid! And they had stacks and stacks of sippy cups left! I have never seen that many before!!
Then I came home, did some cleaning, got dinner, and then Went to go babysit for the people who watched Caleb yesterday. I am so glad we can trade favors like that. It is much more convenient then trying to find a babysitter that I have to pay all the time. And more affordable! Plus Caleb gets to see his friends more often!

Sunday, April 22

Nothing Much

Well I am just boring!!! I remember what I did on Friday but I just do not remember what I did yesterday! For the life of me I can not remember. I asked Eric and he didn't remember either! Oh yeah that's right I remember now.
I worked my butt off on Friday trying to get this property closed and GUESS WHAT??? We close TOMORROW!!!! this is my first closing for this year. I can't wait! I have been working on this deal for MONTHS!! And of course I have already spent the commission on bills trying to get rid of our debt. I think this will make a dent though. We were going to spend it on a new air conditioner/heater since the heater is broken and runs none stop and the air conditioner is non existent, but we decided to wait, and stick it in right before we sell it, be that in a few months or down the road. And Eric spent the whole day going from house to house doing to inspections. He got 25 done! WOW! That brings us to almost a thousand just for the inspections. If we can get a thousand a month from those we will be doing well on savings or debt. That is what we have decided to do with the money we get from inspections.
Then on Saturday we kind of took it easy and took the rabbits outside on little leashes. They liked that. And then Caleb got really hot and needed some water so we went in to make some and I made lemonade instead and then I brought down our little picnic basket and filled it with vegetables and dip, and we took it outside and had a little picnic in the grass. It was fun to have a picnic in our yard. I think they are the best kind actually because if you need anything you can just go inside and get it. But you still get the same air and grass as somewhere else!
And then today we went to church. I got to go to relief society today becuase all of the kids I had were old enough to go to primary for sharing time. It was nice. Then we came home and took a nap. Caleb of course BEGGED to not take his. But he gave up eventually. And then we decided to move the rabbit hutch into it's rightful place, move the bunk bed, and then move all the toys from downstairs upstairs so Caleb wouldn't leave them everywhere. We got everything done but the toys. We had to take a break and have dinner. We will finish tonight! I am tired of Caleb sleeping in our bed! We have not finished the bathroom yet and we will need to finish Caleb's wall that we extended for more room in the bathroom, but we have room to work on it, and nothing is going to happen in the next few weeks because of school so we might as well put him back in his room. I hope he does all right, he is going through a scared phase. Being left alone even in the middle of the day for a nap makes him scared he says. I have a little bit of compassion for him but I think it is more then just scared so I will take it with a grain of salt. I am excited to get my bed back! Is that bad??
I still love my laptop, Eric likes it too. Because it folds down he says it makes it so easy to do the inspections. That is good, and it allows us to be more efficient and get more done.

Friday, April 20


I finally got my Laptop yesterday! With Eric needing to take his laptop to school, and the desktop too slow and on its last legs, I needed something better for work. I do a lot of buisness here at home, and with this new inspection company the laptop I got makes it soooo much easier. It is a tablet PC from IBM. So it should last a while still. It is used, but still has two years on the warranty, and it came with LOTS of extras, two batteries, two chargers, a two battery charger, a laptop lock, an external hard drive cover with case, and a desktop port station. That is where the CD drive is located. But it is really cool, and it has a fingerprint scanner on it. I like that feature. So I can fold down my laptop and I don't have to struggle with a huge laptop, It can be used jut like a sheet of paper! It is soooo cool!
And then I have a closing on monday and the other deal I am working on just got the appraisal back, and it was for the amount we needed so that is good! We were all worried we hadn't heard anything for a while! So It will close in a week or so.
And Caleb got accepted to this Summer Preschool thing put on by the city. That starts in June. I am excited for him! And I have a play date today with a lady from church. So I need to go and get things started, and clean up a little bit!

Monday, April 16

Bad News

Bad News Guys!!!!! Eric was playing around with the google mapping thing and accidentally deleted the google account!!!! BYE BYE Blog! Bye Bye Google Account! Bye Bye Hard work. And I can't get it back! I tried!! So Now I have to start over! I'm sure it will not be the same. I hope you guys still continue to look.