Sunday, February 22


I had my family over for dinner tonight. Jeanne did all the cooking, she had dinner planned for a couple of days now. I had to send caleb to bed super early. I was tired of all the early morning complaining. I hope this helps.

It was fun eating and then playing catan. Mel won one, and then Eric won the other.
Congratulations also go to Mom, April, and Michelle Sanford who won my giveaway. Even though they didn't start their own giveaway doesn't mean they can't win mine! I will be sending them something handmade in the next year. I have a couple ideas. I hope they like them!

Busy week next week. But should be fun! I hope to do a lot of exercising, and clean some house! I also want to do a little bit of painting in our bedroom. I have had the paint for a while but held off in order to do the whole room at one time..... Yeah, Not Happening! So a little at a time it is! Wish me luck!

Friday, February 20

I feel Loved....

Awww Man guys! I have had my giveaway post up for a few days and I have had only one response! I thought more people read my blog then that! Oh Well, I choose to believe you guys are all facing very important life changes that leaves you too busy to come check ANY blog much less mine!
Michelle I am sorry I didn't have it posted when you came and checked my blog. I am sure you would have put your name on there if it had been up. You can still come check my blog again and put it on there!
Anyway on to the news. I had my bank card restricted for fraud. They thought it was suspicious when I made two purchases on my card at walmart and one of them was over 500 dollars. I was buying my EFX machine I have been wanting for along time! Yeah I can exercise at home now! I have done several sessions already. Unfortunately they I am sooo out of shape that they were all very short! But I am doing it! I am getting better and I am determined to get back in shape. I cleaned out the little side room in the kitchen for it to go there. I do NOT want it in my living room and I simply have no where else to put it. Eventually I would like to put it in the spa room. But that won't happen until Jeanne goes through some more boxes. She has not had the best health lately So I don't see that happening soon. She has said she didn't want the little kitchen room to become a gym room, and I feel bad turning it into that if that is not what she wanted, but she has not done anything with the room so far, and has not expressed any ideas about what she does want it to be. I am not going to sit in limbo until she does. So I made it into what I want. I will certainly give her the room back as soon as I have somewhere else to put it.

Lizzie is doing well, Caleb is doing good, Eric might be hired before the summer. That would be sooo nice! I am sooo close to having an ACTIVE real estate license. I have signed on with North Texas Real Estate Professionals! I just have to wait for my license with TREC to state Active before I can sign up and start doing BPO's. I am soooo close!!!!!! It would help a lot for extra income!
And so we are all good!

Tuesday, February 17

Pay It Forward!

1. Be one of the first THREE bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me (yeah for handmade!).

2. Winners must post this challenge on their own blog, meaning that you will pay it forward, creating a handmade gift -anything!- for the first THREE bloggers who leave a comment on YOUR post about this giveaway!

3. The gift that you send to your 3 friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And, remember it’s the spirit and the thought that count!

4. When you receive your gift, blog about it! If you are not one of the first three to comment on this post, you can still play along. Go ahead and start your own Pay It Forward chain, and encourage your blogging friends to do the same! It's all about paying it forward.

(Original post from Jen Ward)

Thursday, February 5

Okay, This was taken on the camera so quality is not very high. This is Elizabeth rocking. She loves to rock. She rocks all day long! She will sometimes stop and do other things but then she just goes back to rocking! She is sooo cute! She got rocking so fast at the end the poor camera could hardly keep up with her!

Promised Pictures!

And the coveted SUPER MONSTER at FreeBirds! It was HUMONGOUS! It was enough to feed 6 people! It was 13 dollars but that is worth it! This picture doesn't do it justice.
Caleb in a jet engine of the SR 71. At the airplane museum on the base a few weeks ago.
Elizabeth tonight
Elizabeth when she was born.

Forgot to mention

I forgot to mention I was on the phone with the IRS because I tried to efile but the adjusted gross income I had on my return was not the same they had on theirs. SO they rejected my return. That is why I had to call in and get my correct AGI. When I compared the two I was only off by $14! How frustrating!

Wednesday, February 4

I was off by 14 Dollars!

Okay while I wait to get my adjusted gross income from the IRS for last year so I can efile this year. I have time to blog. They put me on hold with an estimated wait time of 10-15 minutes! Outrageous! That is okay though I have lots of blogs to read, and my own blog to update.

Yesterday Was a doozie! Eric and I had a fun time playing catan with Terry and Elizabeth last night. We tried out this new place called free birds. It was pretty good. I have to get a picture of Erics burrito on here. It was hilarious all night!

But the doozie part came before I could escape for the night! Caleb went to the bathroom, good news: He actually used the right bathroom. Bad News: He dropped the tp and got poop all over himself. How he got THAT much poop on himself just from what he says happened I don't know! Anyway it was evident to me that he needed a bath! So I started the shower and got it warm and then got him in. He said he would have fun and he wanted a long time in it. I said we'll see and got doing my other things. I did some laundry and some other small things and then checked on him, all good. Then I went to do some dishes. I heard him yelling and yelling and calling for me so I ran to see what was wrong. I knew something was HORRIBLY wrong when I stepped in a POOL of water! not a puddle, not a little stream, a POOL! A FLOOD! I rant o the bathroom and turned off the water. I saw the toilet bubbling up, I heard Caleb open the door and a wash of water come out. I asked him what had happened and he said he sat on the drain so the water would come up but then it came up and up, and then he didn't see it was so high and he opened the door and it all came out. Wow! I grabbed some towels and started soaking up the water. I ran and grabbed some more that were close in the laundry room. I put those down and they were instantly soaked, it was so wet. I had to run down the hall and get some more! I must have used thirty towels! I got him dry and then sent him to get dressed., I continued to soak up water. I then had to get a laundry basket to get the completely soaked towels out of the way and put down more towels. Jeanne did a lot of the fine work. I just moved the heavy towels and put down more. We are still washing them all out!
So Then Eric got home from work and found me on the couch taking a break! He jokingly asked what I had done all day and I told him I cleaned up the flood! Anyway it was a doozy. Looking back I can vaguely remember Caleb saying something about sitting on the drain. I should have been listening harder! And when I sent him to his room I could see the drain pattern on his bottom! He is such a character!