Thursday, May 29

Everything is Normal

I had an appointment yesterday morning. Everything is normal and fine. I have to go back tomorrow morning for my one hour glucose test. And then the 3rd of June is my ultrasound.

I have had a sore throat for the last 2 days and it is getting better but slowly.

The garden was doing good. I turned on the water one day and then forgot to turn it off, so I overwatered it by a ton. And then it started raining so it got triple the water. And then I told eric about it and he said that he overwatered it the night before! So we have decided NOT to water the garden for the rest of the week. I hope it is still okay!

School stuff is still iffy. I hope we can get it all worked out.

The house looks pretty good. I do have to say it only looks this good because we have our home teachers coming over. I have been making it look nice but this was a bigger push to go faster!

We went golf ball hunting the other day and Eric had a great idea to bring the boat down to the creek. Well we did and we had a blast. we rowed that thing down the creek and we found tons of golf balls along the way. It was soo fun. We did have one time when Caleb jumped out and it was almost to deep for him. He got scared at that one that he had to fight his way all the way to the top to make it to air. But he didn't do it again after that. We made sure he understood if he jumped out we would all get out and go inside. He did not want to do that so he was good the rest of the time.

Lets see... nothing much else going on that I can think of. Caleb has a little girl over tonight. She actually came with Debbie, Jeannes friend. And she will be spending the night. It was so eye opening having to talk to Eric about what our policies are for sleep-overs. And girls in boys rooms. and then talking to Caleb about being a gentleman so he won't be mean or try to do inappropriate things. He is getting so BIG!
As far as policies go. She will sleep in the living room with Debbie and not in Calebs room. And she can play in Calebs room because that is where the toys are and his room has easy access, meaning it is not upstairs, or in the back of the house. As he gets older we will not have girl sleep overs for Caleb at all. They can come over and play for a while but then they have to go home.

Sunday, May 25

We're Here

So we made it back to Texas. Unfortunately during the hottest week of weather so far. I cannot complain to much. I think my son complains about how hot it is more then I do! We did bring up a window unit a big one! This one cools down most of the front house. And we stuck the smaller one in the bedroom in the back of the house so the back is cooled too. And I have the softest bed in the world! We brought down our ultra comfortable bed because the one we were using stinks!!! It is soooo hard. We had two pillowtops and a foam sheet and several comforters on there and it was stilllllll hard! Now we have a bunch of boxes in our living room with more of our stuff, and our home teachers are coming over on Thursday. I think I can get it all straightened by then.

Tomorrow I hit the third trimester! I am almost done. I sooo want to cut my hair off! I just haven't the money right now and I haven't found a good cut for me yet. I want it short but I want it to look good too. We brought down a lot of our baby stuff, now we just need to clean out our little corner. Right now it is full of Jeannes stuff that we had moved to fix up her room. So as soon as it it finished we will start setting things up. I am starting to get a little anxious with all the what-ifs though. What if I deliver premature, what If I don't go into labor and they have to induce. Some women say drug induced contractons are worse. What if I have to have a c-section. And I miss the prenatal vitamins sometimes. I hope I am not damaging our baby. And we have settled on a name Elizabeth Theresa Walsh. Eric and I both like it. We think it flows well.

Tuesday, May 20

Cleaning like Crazy!

Terry and Elizabeth came up and they helped us get some of the house in order.
The first day we got the living room, dining room, bathroom and part of the kitchen organized and packed.
The next day we had planned on starting working on the house but we had such luck getting things organized we decided to tackle the basement! Man was that a tough job! We got started and we threw away and threw away and threw away! I think we threw away 9 bags of trash and those are just the ones that made it to the trash cans. We still have two left down there. We also put things in the corner for our garage sale. We had huge amounts of stuff to go into the garage sale pile. we got most of the basement cleaned up. It was getting late so we decided to do the rest later. It was all tools and things we needed for the house projects.
Then on Saturday we had a garage sale. We brought all the stuff out and set it all up. We didn't advertise or anything we only put up two signs int he three really good locations we have. But we managed to sell $72 worth of our junk! That was nice! Then we all went out to lunch and spent it all! We did have a huge lunch though, it was good! We went to Fred's and had two huge pizzas and oniopn rings and loaded fries, and then they had these brownie fudge sundaes that looked like the ones we always had at Cheddars when we were growing up. They were soooo good! the brownies were sooo moist! Saturday afternoon we painted the trim in the entryway. and then late at night we took Terry and Elizabeth to the drive in. We saw Narnia 2 and National Treasure 2. They were both good.
Sunday we went to church and saw all our old friends. We did a lot of talking. And then we came home, ate, and Then we got down to work. We were able to clean out our bedroom, and the little side room too. After that we only had one last big project left. We emptied the attic. It was sooo nice to clean out all the major rooms! I would never have been able to do it on my own, let alone get it done in a few days! It would have taken me weeeeeks to get it done!

So then Erics school messed up some of his schooling stuff so we might have to come home early to get it fixed.
Time for Caleb to take a nap.

Monday, May 12


I have come to find and expect in life that you can always count on experiencing setbacks on two occasions. One when you try to go to the temple. And two, when you try to get our life in order. Here we are trying to get our house sold to be able to pay off our credit and debt, and a kink has fallen in our path. George has been ill for a while. He went to the doctor got some medicine aand tried to get better. He has not been better. He has been the same if not worse. Today he went in for a routine lab work and they made him stay or one more night for a procedure they are making him do. I hope nothing is wrong and I don't mind staying to make sure he is okay but it could have happened at a Better time! A time when we are not Depending on his help to get our lives in order.

Saturday, May 10


Well, life is just chalk full of decisions. And we have hit some more. We were supposed to leave originally on sunday night, but it looks like we might need to stay monday to taake care of some school business. Then Jeanne and George have an appointment on Tuesday. We might or might not stay for that one. And then Terry and Elizabeth might be coming with us. That would be suppppppper nice! I would have a cleaning buddy! I always work better with a buddy especially a buddy who can work longer then I can. That keeps me working longer too. And they have wanted to learn a few things about fixing a house. With our house in Ohio, they can learn EVERYTHING there is to know about fixing up houses! I would LOVE for them to come with us. Eric has to come back at about the same time as they do for some research so it would work for them.

Thursday, May 8


So far the green beans, cauliflower, lettuce, radishes, squash, cucumbers have all come up. Sounds really good!!!!
I have been feeling a little weird lately. Not bad just weird, kind of like edgy, or anxious. I am a little anxious about our upcoming trip. And I have not been sleeping well.

Wednesday, May 7


Our garden is coming up!!!!!! We looked and some of our plants are coming up. Just the ones that had this paper fertilizer strip with it. Those came up first a few days ago. Now we have some other plants coming up though. The first ones were the lettuce and radishes. I have not looked at the other ones that just came up yet. I am keeping a journal and I need to go out there for my garden kjournal. Hopefully the journal will help us make improvements next year. I think we are going to plant a garden every year. We have been impressed to start working on being more self sustaining. The garden will help us do that for sure. It will save us money on buying vegetables for sure.

Sunday, May 4


The temple trip was great! Mike was able to come last minute! We had a great session. I didn't mess up too bad. I did not have any problems getting up and down. I did not have any problems with bladder control. There was one time it got soooo hot my deodorant failed!!!!!!! It was sooo embarrassing! Then we went to the bookstore. I enjoyed looking but I resisted the urge and came out with nothing spent! WOO HOO! By then it was only about noon so we just went home and ate at home. We were sooo good. No high calorie, high fat foods! No money spent either!

Friday, May 2


Well tomorrow is our first family temple trip. I have family names on all sides to do. I hope it goes over well. I plan on going to lunch afterward and then the bookstore. I love the LDS bookstore. I always spend too much in there! So far me and Eric and Dad are going. Everyone else has things to do. Maybe after they see this one go well they will want to come next month.

I still have not finished the laundry room. I am just burned out of painting. I am cooking spaghetti for dinner tonight, and I looked in the pantry for my sauce and I didn't have any! I usually always have some!!! I had to put dinner on hold until Eric can bring some home. I am so hungry though.