Thursday, July 2


KILLER SALE ALERT!!! Tomorrow Old Navy has their flag shirts on sale for $1! There is a limit of 5 per person! But $1!! WOW!

Update! There are reports of some old navy stores not having this sale. I called the three I would be able to go to tomorrow, two said they were out of those shirts, and one said they weren't having it anyway! BUMMER!!!!

I am also packing for Tyler tomorrow! COOL Can't wait!

Elizabeth was okay in her crib last night. Hope it continues to work!

One more update. I found out my phone does not work! I am expecting a very important phone call and my phone decided not to work! I called to get it fixed, but I did not find out soon enough to get it fixed BEFORE the holiday, so it is scheduled to be fixed on MONDAY! I emailed the guy who gave me an interview and told him my cell number. I hope it all gets straightened out!

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