Monday, March 9

I am the weiner!!

I am the weiner (winner)!!! It's a Carver thing! Thanks Grandma! I did win the weekly competition. But by points and not weight loss. But at least I didn't gain anything. I just didn't lose anything either. I was wayyyy too loose with my snacking habits. I am DETERMINED to be better this week! I have already cut up the carrots and the celery for some ready made, healthy, low calorie snacks. I am going to drink my water and then I am going to work my butt off outside making our new garden area.
Our neighbor had some old posts that were warped out by the curb to be thrown away and so we snagged those to outline our raised garden area with. They don't have to straight if they are going to be sitting on the ground! We have saved sooo much just by picking up some useful items that our neighborhood is getting rid of. Our neighborhood is the decluttering King!!! Although it is probably done by the queen not the king, but you get my drift! I am MOST proud of our prelit NICE Christmas tree, and the several totes Christmas and Halloween colored I found! YEAH GO ME!!!!
Lizzie is so close to crawling. I have to get serious about babyproofing our house now! Here she is outside!

Yes, those are weeds! BUT THEY'RE PURPLE! I just love purple on my little frilly frilly girl! Did your voice get all high and dolphiny when you read that??? Good, so did mine!

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