Sunday, March 22


I have the cutest kids! This video is long but it is worth it to watch the whole thing. At least for me it is. LOL I think it is just hilarious! Caleb has such a personality!

This video is of Lizzie and her extreme cuteness. She has been a little more solemn today. Thus the laughs to make her smile and participate. She is teething her second tooth and being very needy and clingy. But the rocker is not on I PROMISE! You can see her rocking, and also if you listen and look real close you can see her blowing kisses. I am of course blowing some too to help her want to blow hers. And After listening to this I almsot didn't post it.... forgive my horrible voice!


Rachel Bendtsen said...

Aww!! I wanna hold lil lizzie! She looks so cute. She was in my dream the other night. :D Caleb makes me laugh. I miss him.

Ballard and Susan said...

Yep! They are adorable. xo