Sunday, March 1

Fun Days

I had a Pretender sleepover Friday night- Saturday with Mel. We watched ALL the Pretender shows we could cram into Friday night and then Saturday till about 6. It was soooo fun! We watched all of season one and got one episode of season two in. I love The Pretender. It has not been on in 12 years but you can get it on dvd. It is a good story and pretty clean. I let Caleb watch a few of them. The only thing is all the technology used in it is advanced..... for its day...... Back in 1996!!!!!!!!! They used windows 95 and the old thick laptops with all the old bulky plug in cords, and VHS tapes. And the cell phones are the big ones with the flip down bottoms, or the really fat ones. It is funny! I just have to remember this came out a LONG time ago and I can overlook the ancient technology!

We had Stake Conference today, we got there 15 minutes late but we managed to get a pretty good seat, near the front on the padded fold out chairs. It was fun and then we went over to Moms afterward. Becky and Ariel were there, and Michelle and Dan were there too. They are moving to Plano. It is going to be fun. They were here looking at houses.

I have all of my Real Estate Stuff done! I joined the board, and now I am official and have access to the MLS service. Hopefully some BPO's can come in now. I am going to call the companies tomorrow to see if there is anything else I need to do to get some BPO's. Just to let them know I am ready to work! I hope it all works out!

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